Femal bystander overhearing a conversation and looking concerned

Essential Resources for Bystander Intervention Training

Our 3 Best "Upstander" Programs  

The following video clips illustrate the powerful way Atana's DEI and sexual harassment prevention courses convey the importance of being an "upstander" rather than a bystander.  


1. How Was Your Day? Getting Real about Bias, Diversity and Inclusion, and Harassment  includes this scene where an Upstander challenges the disrespectful behavior of a co-worker. See course details.


How Was Your Day? clip © 2016-2024 Atana


2. Once & For All: Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work  includes this example of an Upstander showing support for a co-worker who is being harassed and isn't sure what to do. See course details.

Once & For All clip © 2018-2024 Atana

Note: A Chicago version of Once & For All—which includes the 1 hour of Bystander Intevention training required by the city's sexual harassment prevention training mandate—is available.


3.  Unintentional Still Hurts: Overcoming Unconscious Bias teaches that an Upstander can respectfully help others see their hidden biases, as is shown in the following clip.  See course details.

Unintentional Still Hurts clip © 2021-2024 Atana
Cover of Atana's Respectful Workplace 101 ebookCover of Atana's Respectful Workplace 101 ebook

Respectful Workplace Training 101

Explains how to build a culture of respect in your organization and outlines the many benefits of doing so.
Download the free eBook.
Cover of Atana's Sexual Harassment Prevention eBookCover of Atana's Sexual Harassment Prevention eBook

How to Stop Sexual Harassment Once & For All

Details what keeps sexual harassment training from being successful and what can be done to make it work.
Download the free eBook.