Courses / Unintentional Still Hurts
Unintentional Still Hurts
Unconscious Bias Training for Employees
Proven to drive positive change, this best-selling course provides practical instruction on recognizing, challenging, and responding to bias in the workplace.
48 minutes 3 Course Modules
Employee and Manager Versions Healthcare Version English and Spanish
Bias and STEP Revisited Follow-Up Course (sold separately)
Training Topics
Overcoming Bias Diversity, Equity, and InclusionDiscrimination Prevention Bystander InterventionUpstander
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Have your efforts to address workplace bias fallen short?
Ineffective unconscious bias training often leaves employees without tangible ideas of what to do next. This award-winning course's practical instruction has been shown to yield a 3x increase in bias acceptance and provide employees with what they need to help create a bias-free work environment.
Learning Goals
Following Unintentional Still Hurts training, your employees and managers will:
- Recognize that they have biases.
- Implement strategies to overcome unconscious bias.
- Stop and consider potential biases when making assumptions about co-workers' abilities.
- Identify microaggressions.
- Respectfully handle situations where an offense has occurred (whether they’re the target, the perpetrator or a witness).
The Healthcare version of the course covers all of the above with added content on how to challenge assumptions and stereotypes that can compromise patient care.
Measure Success with Atana Insights
- A 5-minute pre-measurement module establishes a baseline of attitudes on and awareness of workplace bias topics.
- Atana aggregates your learners’ responses to questions in the course related to desired workplace actions (such as acceptance of personal bias and intentionally thinking about potential bias when making assumptions about others’ abilities). All data is anonymized.
- Using the gathered data, Atana Insights creates a benchmark of strengths and weaknesses within your organization’s culture and compares your results to national averages.
- Your organization receives actionable next steps that are proven to drive real, measurable, and positive change at scale.
Measure Success with Atana Insights
- Atana aggregates your learners’ responses to questions in the course related to desired workplace actions (such as acceptance of personal bias and intentionally thinking about potential bias when making assumptions about others’ abilities). All data is anonymized.
- Using the gathered data, Atana Insights creates a benchmark of strengths and weaknesses within your organization’s culture and compares your results to national averages.
- Your organization receives actionable next steps that are proven to drive real, measurable, and positive change at scale.
Course Details
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: Understanding Bias
Enables learners to:
- Identify different types of bias.
- Understand the impact of unconscious bias.
- Understand the concept of priming and its impact on implicit bias.
- Have enhanced awareness of the potential harm personal bias can cause.
Employee training time: 17 minutes | Manager training time: 17 minutes
Module 2: Recognizing Hidden Bias and Microaggressions
Enables learners to:
- Recognize microaggressions and their impact.
- Understand the role of priming and unconscious bias in perpetuating microaggressions.
- Use the three STEP strategies (Stop & Think, Explore and Prepare) for overcoming unconscious bias.
- Consider how to create an inclusive work environment.
Employee training time: 15 minutes | Manager training time: 17 minutes
Module 3: Speaking Up (Employee) and Proactive Leadership (Manager)
Enables learners to:
- Respond respectfully if called out for a microaggression.
- Understand your options if you are the target of microaggression.
- Be an upstander if you witness disrespectful or demeaning conduct, or microaggressions.
- Handle an employee’s complaint about microaggressions or disrespectful conduct (Manager).
Employee training time: 15 minutes | Manager training time: 17 minutes
Modules are not sold separately.
Manager Course
Because of the critical role managers play in overcoming bias at work, the manager version of Unintentional Still Hurts provides additional instruction in three important areas.
Added Instruction for Managers
- The manager’s role in creating a culture of respect, including:
- Personal responsibility
- Peer-to-peer upstander responsibility
- Leadership responsibility
- How to handle an employee’s complaint about microaggressions or disrespectful conduct.
- What a proactive leader can do to minimize the impact of implicit bias at work.
- The manager’s role in creating a culture of respect, including:
Healthcare Version
- Explains how implicit bias can undermine decision-making, strain workplace relationships, and compromise patient care.
- Enables healthcare professionals to identify and overcome stereotypes and assumptions that can lead to delayed or inaccurate diagnoses and inadequate treatment plans.
- Features a variety of healthcare scenarios.
Bias and STEP Revisited Follow-Up Course
One 10-minute module for employees and managers, sold separately
- Reinforces bias understanding by addressing the difference between implicit and explicit bias.
- Demonstrates the harmful impact of explicit bias, using a powerful transgender employee scenario.
- Gives a refresher on applying the STEP (Stop & Think, Explore, Prepare) strategy to overcome bias.
- Telly Award – Bronze
- Viddy Awards – Platinum
- Marcom Awards – Platinum
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