Leadership Development - Blog

  1. Embracing a Learner's Mindset: Q&A with Atana Chairman and CEO John Hansen

    Embracing a Learner's Mindset: Q&A with Atana Chairman and CEO John Hansen

    This post explores how former tech CEO, John Hansen transitioned to corporate training, leveraging technology and a learner’s mindset to promote diversity, respect, and innovation in the learning and development space.

  2. 3 Ways to Spot a Controlling Leadership Style

    3 Ways to Spot a Controlling Leadership Style

    Is your boss secretly controlling? Learn the signs of fear-based leadership at work. Find out how a 'love and release' approach can create a more positive team environment.

  3. Happy workers solving problems

    6 Ways to Turn Every Employee into an Innovator

    Discover the power of engaging employees in problem-solving and strategy implementation. This post shows how, by valuing the insights of frontline workers and creating a culture of empowerment and continuous improvement, CEO Hubert Joly was able to turn around a company that many had written off as doomed.

  4. Female mentoring another female

    How a Power Mentor Turns "What If" into "What's Next"

    Oprah Winfrey is one of the most successful people on the planet. Although her hard work and talents greatly contributed to her immense popularity, Oprah actually credits much of her meteoric rise to a key mentor early in her career. 

  5. 4 Steps to Addressing Mental Health

    4 Steps to Addressing Mental Health

    I’m a senior executive. I am an advanced pickleball player. I am an accomplished musician. Ya know what…those came to mind before I even thought of father, son, friend, mentor, etc. 

  6. Happy Businesswoman at Computer

    Learning Transfer: An Integral Part of the Atana Process

    Atana’s mission is encapsulated in the profound belief that changed people change workplaces. This post explains how vital behaviors are covered in our various training courses; the more individuals engage with the content, the more they experience the phenomenon of learning transfer.

  7. Young male employee seated at computer being trained by smiling female manager

    Kickstarting a Growth Mindset -- In Yourself and Those You Manage

    Use these quick tips to help yourself and others develop a "growth mindset."  That's when we see that our innate talent and abilities are only the beginning, and look for opportunities to grow our skills and capabilities to drive ongoing success.