What Are the California Sexual Harassment Training Requirements?

Organizations employing 5 or more employees, including temporary and seasonal workers, are required to provide sexual harassment training to all employees and managers.

The Laws

California law (Government Code 129501.1) requires all employers of 5 or more employees to provide 1 hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to non-supervisory employees and 2 hours of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to supervisors and managers.

  • SB 1343 requires sexual harassment prevention training for all employees. It supersedes AB 1825 which only applied to organizations with 50 or more employees and only required sexual harassment training for managers.
  • SB 396 added gender identity, gender expression, LGBT and sexual orientation awareness as a mandatory topic and requires the training to include practical examples of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
  • Amendment AB 2053 added abusive conduct as a mandatory training topic.

Employee Requirement

  • 1 hour of training, every 2 years
  • Training may be completed in segments as long as the total training time requirement is met within the two-year period
  • Temporary and seasonal employees must be trained within 30 days of hire or within 100 hours worked, whichever comes first

Manager Requirement  

  • 2 hours of training, every 2 years
  • Training may be completed in segments as long as the total training time requirement is met within the two-year period
  • New supervisors must be trained within 6 months of hire or promotion to supervisor

Additional CA Sexual Harassment Training Requirements

  • SB 396: Harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
  • Formal complaint process and contact information for CA
  • Employee recourse/remedies
  • AB 2053: Abusive conduct
  • Mandatory reporting (managers)
  • What to do if accused (managers)

Compliant Sexual Harassment Training California Courses

Title screen from course saying Once & For All: Stopping Sexual Harassment at WorkTitle screen from course saying Once & For All: Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work

California Version

How Atana's CA Sexual Harassment Training Meets State Requirements

With engaging and realistic video and interactive content, our comprehensive California sexual harassment prevention eLearning courses for managers and employees can be delivered via our LMS or yours. 

Our courses include California-specific content, define quid pro quo and hostile work environment (including third-party and when you're not the target), and teach the importance of bystander intervention and speaking up. They also include content on abusive conduct (harassment and bullying). The manager course addresses how to handle a complaint.

Once & For All, California Employee seat time:  1 hour
The course includes an optional Pre-Measurement, state-specific content, video clips, knowledge checks and assessments, and a Post-Test to measure the learner’s understanding of the topics.

Once & for All, California Manager seat time: 2 hours
The course includes a Pre-Measurement, state-specific content, video clips, knowledge checks and assessments, and a Post-Test to measure the learner’s understanding of the topics.

Courses are available in English and Spanish.

Harassment Training California Requirements and Topics

Once & For All 

Employer Responsbility

Content must be created by a trainer x  
Training must be interactive x The eLearning course is interactive; however, the employer must provide contact information for a sexual harassment Subject Matter Expert (SME) so questions during eLearning can be addressed.
Define unlawful sexual harassment (Title VII) x  
Define unlawful sexual harassment (CA FEHA)  x  
Define types of sexual harassment x  
Harassment based on gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation x  
Harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, LGBT x  
Examples of conduct that constitutes sexual harassment x  
How to prevent sexual harassment x  
How to report sexual harassment internally x The eLearning course provides a general process. The Employer should provide company-specific steps.
Liability x  
Employee recourse x  
Remedies available to victims x The eLearning course provides a general discussion. If applicable, the Employer should also provide specific information about remedies.
Limited confidentiality x  
Protection against retaliation x  
Effect of harassment x  
Abusive conduct x The eLearning course includes information, supported by video, on both illegal harassment and bullying.
Written policies (manager course)   The Employer should provide company-specific policies. The course also outlines the essential elements of a sexual harassment policy required by law.
Manager's conduct (manager course) x  
Taking a complaint (manager course) x The eLearning course provides a general process. The Employer should provide the company-specific steps for receiving a complaint.
Mandatory reporting (manager course) x The eLearning course provides a general discussion about mandatory reporting. Employers may want to include this as part of their policy.
What to do if accused (manager course) x  

Our California courses have been vetted by a top U.S. law firm. Learn about our 200% Compliance Guarantee.

Preview the Once & For All, California Employee and Manager Courses 

(Must be logged in to watch. If you don't have a log-in, please create an account.)

Note: Once & For All, California is fully interactive eLearning. The course previews below show a learner would progress through the course. They do not include all the behavioral and knowledge-based questions. To demo the eLearning courses in their entirety, contact us.

California Employee Course

California Manager Course