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Getting Real About Workplace Violence Preview Videos

Getting Real About Workplace Violence Trailer
Watch this trailer to see how Getting Real About Workplace Violence ensures employee and managers can understand, recognize, and respond quickly and effectively to each type of workplace violence, including extreme violence.
Employee and Manager Versions
English and Spanish
Full Course Previews
(Must be logged in to watch. If you don't have a log-in, please create an account.)
Getting Real about Workplace Violence is fully interactive eLearning. The course preview shows how a learner would progress through the course. It does not include all the behavioral and knowledge-based questions. To demo the eLearning course in its entirety, please contact us.

Employee eLearning Course Preview
The Employee course ensures learners can:
- Understand the spectrum of workplace violence behaviors and different forms of potential threats.
- Recognize the early warning signs of workplace violence.
- Promptly report alarming conduct when witnessed.
- Immediately respond to extreme violence by getting out, getting safe or getting tough.
Preview Video 26 minutes

Manager eLearning Course Preview
The Manager course covers the same content as the Employee course as well as how to:
- Foster a safe work environment.
- Encourage team members to report potential issues before they escalate.
- Check in regularly with team members.
- Have a plan when concerning behavior is witnessed.
Preview Video 35 minutes
Getting Real About Workplace Violence - California
(Must be logged in to watch. If you don't have a log-in, please create an account.)
Getting Real about Workplace Violence is fully interactive eLearning. The course preview shows how a learner would progress through the course. It does not include all the behavioral and knowledge-based questions. To demo the eLearning course in its entirety, please contact us.

CA Employee eLearning Course Preview
The Employee course ensures learners can:
- Understand the spectrum of workplace violence behaviors and different forms of potential threats.
- Recognize the early warning signs of workplace violence.
- Promptly report alarming conduct when witnessed.
- Immediately respond to extreme violence by getting out, getting safe or getting tough.
- Understand the requirements of California’s SB 553 legislation and what to expect in their organization.
Preview Video 32 minutes

CA Manager eLearning Course Preview
The Manager course covers the same content as the Employee course as well as how to:
- Foster a safe work environment.
- Encourage team members to report potential issues before they escalate.
- Check in regularly with team members.
- Have a plan when concerning behavior is witnessed.
Preview Video 41 minutes
Getting Real About Workplace Violence - Retail
Manager Courses are available for Getting Real About Workplace Violence Retail or Retail New York. Please contact us if you would like to preview the Manager course.
(Must be logged in to watch. If you don't have a log-in, please create an account.)
Getting Real about Workplace Violence is fully interactive eLearning. The course preview shows how a learner would progress through the course. It does not include all the behavioral and knowledge-based questions. To demo the eLearning course in its entirety, please contact us.

Retail Employee Course Preview
This course censures learners can:
- Identify warning signs of potential violence
- Explain how domestic violence can impact the workplace
- Take action when faced with concerning behaviors
- Immediately respond to an act of extreme violence
- Utilize de-escalation strategies when customers are upset or angry
Preview Video 35 minutes

Retail New York Employee Course Preview
This course ensures learners can
- Identify warning signs of potential violence
- Explain how domestic violence can impact the workplace
- Take action when faced with concerning behaviors
- Immediately respond to an act of extreme violence
- Utilize de-escalation strategies when customers are upset or angry
- Understand the New York State Retail Worker Safety Act and what it means for them
Preview Video 37 minutes
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