Let's Get Honest? Preview Page

Let's Get Honest

Follow-up Training Provides Added Insights

As a follow-up to Once & For All, the Let's Get Honest course:

  • Helps employees maintain professional boundaries by giving tips on how to filter what they say and do at work, and speak up when their co-workers fail to do the same
  • Provides refresher instruction on hostile work environments and quid pro quo sexual harassment


Access full course previews below.

Both the Employee course and the Manager course include behavioral questions that provide insights on psychological safety and over-time comparisons to Once & For All on maintaining professional boundaries (employees) and reinforcing professional boundaries (managers).

Both the Employee course and the Manager course include behavioral questions that provide insights on psychological safety and over-time comparisons to Once & For All on maintaining professional boundaries (employees) and reinforcing professional boundaries (managers).

Full Course Previews

(Must be logged in to watch. If you don't have a log-in, please create an account.)

Le's Get Honest is fully interactive eLearning. The course preview shows how a learner would progress through the course. It does not include all the behavioral and knowledge-based questions. To demo the eLearning course in its entirety, please contact us.

Employee eLearning Course Preview

This course provides added instruction that helps employees:

  • Maintain professional conduct in the workplace by using their "Grandma Filter" and asking co-workers to do the same
  • Describe the relationship between professional conduct at work and a respectful, harassment-free work environment
  • Recognize hostile work environment sexual harassment and quid pro quo sexual harassment
  • Speak up and report incidents of sexual harassment

Preview Video 17 minutes

Manager eLearning Course Preview

This course provides added instruction that enables managers to:

  • Maintain professional conduct in the workplace by using the "Grandma Filter" 
  • Describe the relationship between professional conduct at work and a respectful, harassment-free work environment
  • Recognize hostile work environment sexual harassment and quid pro quo sexual harassment
  • Reinforce expectations for professional conduct

Preview Video 17 minutes

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